Nancy Keane's Booktalks -- Quick and Simple

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Aretha, David.
Berkeley Heights, N.J. : Book, 2005.
IL 5-8
ISBN 0766052761
Click on the book to read Amazon reviews
Did you know that each year, more than three hundred thousand Americans try cocaine for the first time?  In 2000, there were an estimated 2,707,000 chronic cocaine users.  In 2002, an estimated 3.6 percent of 8th graders and 7.8 percent of twelfth graders had tried cocaine.  Between thirty thousand and fifty thousand babies are born each year to mothers who smoke crack during their pregnancies.  Some people think that cocaine is not dangerous.  They are wrong.  Find out the facts for yourself.
SUBJECTS:      Cocaine.
                        Crack (Drug).


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