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Savin, Marcia
New York : Scholastic, 1992
IL 5-8 RL 5.7
ISBN 0590437658
During World War II, the United States was at war with Japan. On the West Coast of the United States, Japanese Americans came under suspicion. People assumed that their loyalties were with Japan and not the U.S. For fifth grader Mitzi, this leads to being shunned at school. Only one girl takes a chance and befriends Mitzi. The two girls become close friends. When the President order all Japanese Americans into resettlement camps, the girls must say goodbye as Mitzi's family must give up everything they had worked for. How will Mitzi survive? Will she and Ruthie ever see each other again? Read THE MOON BRIDGE to find out.
SUBJECTS:     Japanese Americans -- Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945 -- Fiction.
                                   World War, 1939-1945 -- United States -- Fiction.


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