Haddix, Margaret Peterson.  Among the hidden.  New York : Simon and Schuster, 1998.   Reviewed by Joanna B.,  Rundlett Middle School



Among the Hidden takes place in the future and is about a boy who is a third child in his family.  There was a law that says that there can only be two children per family.  So he had to stay up in the attic and stay away from civilization.  He is really isolated from the world and he rarely goes outside.  One day he is up in his room.  They had new neighbors and he is looking at their house and he sees a face in the window.  There are already two children and they are at school.  So he starts thinking that maybe this could be a third child like him.  He decides to go over to investigate and finds out that there are other children like him.  He meets a girl named Jen who introduces him to the world of shadow children.  They team up to try to get this law overturned.  This is a really good book.

March 2000

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