What do you get when you mix kids, books and talk radio? You get Kid's Book Beat. Each month on WKXL Radio, Rundlett Library Media Specialist Nancy J. Keane takes to the airwaves to talk about books. Students join her for a book discussion. There is a different theme each month and listeners are encouraged to call in to join the chat.
November 2000
Guest reviewers: Seth Dunklee, Megan Kelly, Kaitlyn Meisel, Tony Perenti, Aubrey Stevenson, Grant Tackett and Becky Thompson, Rundlett Middle School
Books reviewed by students:
Avi.  The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle.   New York : Orchard Books, 1990.  Reviewed by Seth Dunklee, Rundlett Middle School.
Bledsoe, Lucy.  Tracks in the Snow.  New York : Holiday House, 1997. Reviewed by Becky Thompson, Rundlett Middle School.
Grimms Fairy Tales : Great Illustrated Collection  Reviewed by Megan Kelly, Rundlett Middle School.
Haley, Alex.   Roots.  New York :  Random House, 2000.  Reviewed by Kaitlyn Meisel, Rundlett Middle School.
Naylor, Phyllis Reynolds.  Saving Shiloh.  New York :  Antheneum, 1997.  Reviewed by Grant Tackett, Rundlett Middle School.
Rowling, J.K.  Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone.   New York : Scholastic, 1998. Reviewed by Aubry Stevenson, Rundlett Middle School.

Sachar, Louis.  Holes.   New York :  Farrar, Straus, Giroux,  1998.  Reviewed by Tony Perenti, Rundlett Middle School.

Books recommended:
 The man who was Poe
Something Upstairs
Shiloh series

2/28/01-- njk

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